martedì 23 febbraio 2016

"Springly" winter 2016 in Sicily

A good reason to visit Sicily in fall 

You know... Winter in Sicily is very warm, but this year winter seems not to have come :). 

For those people who love relaxing and don't like overcrowded
cities Sicily in autumn and winter is a good destination. 
A good reason to visit Sicily is the warm climate. You can enjoy sunny days, going out for a walk with no suffering the hot temperature of July and August.

Another reason is the variety of landscapes. In fact you can go both to the sea and the mountain. From Etna covered by snow you have a breath-taking view of the sea and beach. 

Finally.. Take advantage to taste the typical Sicilian food, 
season fruit like oranges, and the new wine. ;)

sabato 20 febbraio 2016

Do you know why

Trinacria is the symbol of Sicily? 

The symbol of the Sicilian flag represents a feminine head with three folded legs. That's Trinacria. 


The head reminds the Gorgons, monsters of the Greek mythology with golden wings, hands with bronze claws, wild boar fangs and snakes instead of hair.

In the past Sicily was known as Triquetra or Trinacria, because of its particular geographic shape. 
It is characterized by three promontories, Pachino, Peloro and Lilibeo, and three vertices that almost instinctively remind the triangle.

The spikes, added later on the Sicilian flag, represent the fertility of the island and the first "granary" of the Roman empire. 

Finally... The colours of the Sicilian flag are the yellow and the red ones, which represent the courage of Palermo and Corleone, the first two cities that revolted against the French during the Sicilian vespers in 1282. 

That's how the Sicilian flag appear now: 

venerdì 12 febbraio 2016

Opera dei pupi

Una tradizione tutta siciliana

 L'Opera dei Pupi è una rappresentazione teatrale di figura, una 

tradizione tutta siciliana.

I pupi sono le marionette del teatro epico-popolare importate dalla

Spagna, e rievocano le epiche gesta cavalleresche dei Paladini di 

Carlomagno in lotta contro i Saraceni
Dall' 800 l'opera dei pupi si trasferisce nei piccoli teatri, all'aperto e

nelle piazze. 

I personaggi diventarono subito patrimonio popolare, e i pupi eroi

portatori dei valori morali della civiltà europea, che veniva

contrapposta a quella islamica, rappresentando così lo scontro di 

cui la Sicilia fu teatro. 

Ogni storia veniva narrata con cicli rappresentativi che venivano 

prolungati di serata in serata, preannunciati dal cartello che nella 

tradizione catanese è composto dall'immagine della scena 

principale e una sintetica descrizione del "programma". 

L'espansione di tale forma d’arte fu favorita principalmente 

dai Cantastorie, un narratore, che usando solo la voce,senza 

alcuno strumento musicale, cantava le stesse storie, tramandandole 

di generazione in generazione.

 L'opera dei pupi è molto diffusa nelle città di Catania 

e Palermo. Qui vale la pena visitare il Museo Internazionale

di marionette, dove sono conservati antichi pupi siciliani,

 burattini del teatro napoletano e marionette di diversi paesi 


lunedì 8 febbraio 2016

Taormina.. between the ancient greek-roman theatre and the modern film festival

Taormina is certainly one of the most visited places in Sicily. 
It is renowed for both its undisputed historical and artistic heritage and lively nightlife made of discos and clubs.

Of course one of the most famous symbols of Taormina is the ancient greek-roman theatre, that follows for beauty and size the Syracuse's one. 

In the past Taormina theatre was used for the rapresentation of classical comedies and tragedies.. Nowdays it's stage for modern rapresentations, like concerts, show business and cultural events..

On this puropose one of the most renowed is Taormina Film Festival, an historical event that welcomed many famous world actors and artists, like Sophia Loren, Marlon Brando, Tom Cruise and Antonio Banderas. 

If you like cinema, music and living a cultural and enjoying experience,Taormina is the perfect place to come in.

But... Plan in advance your holiday, expecially in summer, to avoid the risk not to find any accommodation in the overcrowded Taormina. ;)